Posts Tagged ‘possessive’

The importance of good grammar

September 16, 2008

So I tend to be a pretty intense grammar nazi sometimes. Maybe it’s my background as a communication (read: writing) major or maybe it’s just my OCD-oriented personality, but I have been known to sit down with a magazine, pen in hand, and circle grammar errors to then email to the editor. I’d like to share my biggest pet peeve for a moment, if you will. It’s the difference between its and it’s. Its is a possessive, e.g. its shine is dull. It’s is a contraction, where the apostrophe links together it and is. Thus, it’s can only be used where it is can replace it and still be grammatically correct, e.g. it’s going to rain, which can also be, it is going to rain.

Finding incorrect grammar is an egregious breach of professionalism to me. It’s just low-class to find common grammar errors in copy from large corporations that should certain be able to employ grammar experts. I was at IKEA the other day (I love that place, it’s like an amusement park. or a casino.) and I was reading the back of my receipt where it talks about returns and exchanges, when I saw this: “…and please bring the item back in it’s original packaging.” thud. my jaw hit the floor. If you followed the grammar lesson, you’ll now know that there should be no apostrophe in its. You can’t read it as “…and please bring the item back in it is original packaging,” so it does not take an apostrophe. IKEA. I’d understand if it was the independently-owned coffee shop on the corner, or even in a locally-printed IKEA advertisement, but this was on the back of the receipt paper that presumably goes out to most IKEA stores in the country! How awkward for them. Of course, my friend who was with me when I freaked out was thinking how awkward for ME that the biggest deal of the deal was finding a grammar error on the back of my IKEA receipt.

Now, you may find the occasional error on my blog or in my store. I’m human. These things slip through. But I’m also a one-woman operation. What’s IKEA’s excuse? Sigh. I know I’m a geek. It’s okay. I’ve come to terms with it, and even embrace it to a certain extent. I bet some of you will think it’s truly lame to make an entire post just on grammar, but if I just educate ONE person on the difference between its and it’s, then it was all worth it!

**I am currently offering my services as an editor if you own your own Web site or blog. I don’t charge much, it depends on the size of your site. Or maybe, I might charge per mistake found…hmm. Contact me if you’re interested in ridding the world of grammar mistakes, one misplaced apostrophe at a time.

Yours in good and bad grammar,

PS. Another nerdism about me is that it was like Christmas Day when I discovered AP Stylebook’s Ask the Editor page on their Web site. There were TONS of useless but so-cool grammar questions and answers. I spent WAY too much time there.
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